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Planning to Work Remotely? Here’s What You Should Know

Planning to Work Remotely

When the COVID-19 pandemic started at the beginning of 2020, companies and organizations of all sizes switched to remote work almost instantly. Many things have changed since then, and while most businesses have returned to office work, some still offer a hybrid approach. That means people are free to work from home if they wish to do so.

If you plan to leave your office and work remotely but worry that this concept might be unfamiliar to you, fear not. Read on to learn tips on where to start!

Create a schedule

Work-life balance can be hard when working remotely. Therefore, creating a schedule can be beneficial. You’ll know exactly when to start working and when to end your workday. Furthermore, having a daily to-do list will help you avoid procrastination and make you feel accomplished as you complete each task.

One of the best parts of remote work is the flexibility to set your own hours. Again, there are days when you’ll be required to work a bit longer, so make sure you get enough rest to avoid burnout. If you don’t know where to begin when it comes to organizing your workday and sticking to it, time-tracking apps can be a lifesaver.

Keep an eye on your data for a couple of days to get a sense of your productivity levels. These apps can also show you when you tend to do less work, so use this information to come up with the perfect schedule that helps you make the best of your day.

Don’t forget to take breaks

Even remote workers need to take breaks, so don’t push yourself too hard just because you are not in the office and are anxious that you are not productive enough. Again, it is best to schedule your breaks in advance and set a reminder on your phone. You could also use apps that lock your computer during the break.

You may use this time to get out of your house and move your body. A short walk through the neighborhood or to your favorite café can do wonders for your mind and help you unwind. Since you can work from anywhere, consider shaking things up a bit. Start your workday at home and walk to a co-working space or library during your break. A change of scenery can make you more productive.

Use a VPN

Those who prefer working from public places need to elevate their cybersecurity. That often involves using a VPN. You never know who could be lurking on the same network, and it is always better to encrypt the data you send or receive. By doing this, cybercriminals won’t be able to intercept your online communications.

Additionally, you’ll get to change your IP address and access geo-blocked content, which can help when searching for data about specific regions. Of course, some of us like to check our email on our phones while grabbing a bite to eat, but you can always use a mobile VPN to protect that device, too. A mobile VPN has all the essential features of a standard VPN.

Create an office space

Most remote workers probably dream about turning one whole room into an office space. Unfortunately, not everyone has that opportunity. But you can do the next best thing, and that is a corner of your home that will be solely for work. You don’t have to make serious investments—a desk and a comfortable chair can go a long way.

Of course, no one is stopping you from putting up some posters on the walls or a corkboard with your schedule and to-do list, but keep it as basic as possible. You don’t need any distractions while on the clock. Just make sure you have all the necessary equipment to do your work from one place in your home. That is yet another great way to teach your brain to know when your workday is over.

Communicate with your family or roommates

Working from home and living alone is easier than when you share the space with someone else. Therefore, talking to your family or roommates and setting some basic rules in advance is highly recommended. Adults who live with you should be informed about your meetings and work schedule.

It is also good to talk about domestic labor with them. People who don’t work from home might try to assign all the chores to you because they think it is more convenient for a remote worker to keep the house in order. Some simply don’t comprehend that remote work is real work and that doing chores can affect your focus and productivity.

Have a routine

Sometimes, the hardest part of working from home is deciding when to start working. The previously mentioned schedule can help a lot, but you might not be able to follow it every single day. You might find it difficult to sit in front of your computer and start working. That is where routines come into play.

You can start exercising before you start your workday. Completing a jog around the block could signal you are ready to tackle new tasks. Others prefer to make a cup of coffee and then turn on their laptops. That is completely individual, and it is up to you to choose your perfect pre-work routine. All in all, the most important thing is for you to feel at ease when working from home.

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